Thursday, June 23, 2011

Trip Prep

I spent less than two weeks from the time I hatched (probably an appropriate metaphor for where i should be residing) the idea on a lark to go to Alaska on my motorbike to actually departing...and there were some other things I did during that time, such as deferred house repairs that had to get done before leaving, repairing the AC on the Entrada rental, and taking Melanie for her wrist surgery... so it was really quite a short suspense and compressed prep activity. Time will tell how well I did my homework.

Modifying the radiator...

...with a metal screen to deflect rocks.
Screen installed on bike.
Beginning to accumulate stuff to take...

Stuff I ordered begins to arrive.

Xtreme weather gear

Spending Wendy's money!

More stuff comes...

New tail bag (on seat) and existing saddlebags

New tank bag

Tire repair tools come from Amazon

Route planning took about 2 hours...pretty rough...horseshoes...

The miles add up...about 12,000 planned R/T

Wired in a 12V receptacle for charging phone, laptop, etc.

First attempt at packing, it did not fit! Left some behind, added external loads...

Proof of Concept Ride to Tucson and back helped refine the "system"

Bought a CB used for $10...the batteries cost more!

Water Bladder from Walmart so I can drink on the fly.

Spare keys in PVC tape... to frame in an inconspicuous location (I hope!)
Ready to Roll!

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